Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Catching Up.....

I've been meaning to post for so long! Ellis is going on 2 and this is my FIRST post.....
He's hit all of his milestones & he's talking a mile a minute. I promise I'll start posting regularly...but for now, here's a funny story from last night.

Last night as I was moving Ellis' bicycle (in the living room), I picked it up over his head & accidently hit him in the head with one of the tires. He suddenly dropped his John Deere tractor that he was playing with, grabbed his head and screamed (and I mean screamed) "DEEEAAARRR GOD!"
I, at that moment felt like the worst mother in the world. At 20 mos. "Dear God" is not something you want coming out of your child's mouth. We really try to watch what we say around him, he picks up on everything. We've been meaning to get back into church, that was my sign! Any Suggestions?.......