Wednesday, November 19, 2008

It's Been Too Long.....

So much has happened since my last post.

Ellis had his 2nd Birthday (can you believe it?)

Ellis was "Secret Mission Ice Bat" for Halloween. (That is one of his Ugly Dolls)

Chris and I celebrated our 6th Anniversary

Oh, and we found out that Ellis is going to be a big brother- (I'm already 14 weeks!)

What a huge and wonderful surprise. Ellis can't wait to meet his new baby. He has already informed us that it is a sister and her name with be Tessa. We have no idea where he got the nae from, but he's set on it. I told him we did not know that he was going to get a sister, that it may be a brother. His response: Then he will be named John Deere. I told him we'd talk.

I promise I'll update more, but until then, here are some new Ellis Pics!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

From the Mouth of My 22 Month Old.......

Ellis now has a mind of his own. The following are actual events that have taken place in our household!

Before going to bed-
Kylea: I love you, Ellis.
Ellis: Mom, I love you like a fat kid cake. (meaning: Like a Fat Kid Loves Cake)

While watching CNN-
Ellis: Rock O'Mama is Cool (Barack Obama is Cool)
Kylea: Yes he is Ellis, But what about the other guy?
Ellis: John McCain pooted.

Getting Ready for Dinner-
Kylea: Ellis, what would you like for dinner?
Ellis: Fog Legs (Frog Legs)
Kylea: You've never had frog legs! What do you want to eat for dinner?
Ellis: Finch Fies (french fries)

While Out Shopping-
Ellis: I POOTED!
Ellis: I POOTED! (trying to get a reaction)
Kylea: What do you say?
Ellis: Ques Me. (Excuse Me)

I love the kid!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Ellis has found a new love.... the love of Oreos. We can't even mention the word without him running to the kitchen to find them. Here are some pics. from his 1st expierence with the ever-loved OREO!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Catching Up.....

I've been meaning to post for so long! Ellis is going on 2 and this is my FIRST post.....
He's hit all of his milestones & he's talking a mile a minute. I promise I'll start posting regularly...but for now, here's a funny story from last night.

Last night as I was moving Ellis' bicycle (in the living room), I picked it up over his head & accidently hit him in the head with one of the tires. He suddenly dropped his John Deere tractor that he was playing with, grabbed his head and screamed (and I mean screamed) "DEEEAAARRR GOD!"
I, at that moment felt like the worst mother in the world. At 20 mos. "Dear God" is not something you want coming out of your child's mouth. We really try to watch what we say around him, he picks up on everything. We've been meaning to get back into church, that was my sign! Any Suggestions?.......