Wednesday, November 19, 2008

It's Been Too Long.....

So much has happened since my last post.

Ellis had his 2nd Birthday (can you believe it?)

Ellis was "Secret Mission Ice Bat" for Halloween. (That is one of his Ugly Dolls)

Chris and I celebrated our 6th Anniversary

Oh, and we found out that Ellis is going to be a big brother- (I'm already 14 weeks!)

What a huge and wonderful surprise. Ellis can't wait to meet his new baby. He has already informed us that it is a sister and her name with be Tessa. We have no idea where he got the nae from, but he's set on it. I told him we did not know that he was going to get a sister, that it may be a brother. His response: Then he will be named John Deere. I told him we'd talk.

I promise I'll update more, but until then, here are some new Ellis Pics!

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