Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Long Awaited Child: Long Awaited Child...

We come from a small town. Everyone knows everyone (or atleast someone who is related). Last week when I heard what had happened to Baby Bane my heart ached. As a parent, I sobbed for Sonya & Deason. As a sister, I cried for Livi
The Beasley's are taking this tragedy & turning it into something good. A fund has been set up in honor of Bane. His family would like to preserve the legacy that they know he would have left.
Please visit Baby Bane's Memorial page & leave a few kind words for his family. If able, make a donation.
Please help in lifting up this beautiful family during this difficult time.

Long Awaited Child: Long Awaited Child...: "nine months. Belly swelled and labor pains and a child came into this world. Mama rocked him, held him close. Daddy’s strong hands lift..."

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Time keeps ticking. Ready or not, there is no stopping it. Life happens & before we know it, we wonder where the "time" went.
My babies are growing bigger every day. Emmitt will be 1 in just a few weeks. Ellis starts pre-school in August. It seems like only yesterday I was pregnant.
I love being a "Mommy" & I'm still "In Love" with my husband.
Life happens, and we just go with it. We try to savor every moment, because you never know when will be your last. Lately, I've tried to make sure that I love. That I love my family, my life, my moment.

Friday, January 15, 2010


I said I was going to do better with blogging this year. I'm not too far gone just yet, as it is only the 2nd week in Jan. I still have time.

Emmitt is growing like a weed, and Ellis seems to amaze us everyday with something he said. On the outside, they look just alike, however, they are completey different in actions. Ellis needs attention all the time, while Emmitt is so laid back and calm.

We made it through Thanksgiving & Christmas. We had a wonderful time. I have huge plans for this year. Spend more time with the boys, get a grip on debt, etc. The normal stuff.

We got our first snow on the 7th. I took the boys out and they had a blast.
Here's to 2010, and my family!