Friday, January 15, 2010


I said I was going to do better with blogging this year. I'm not too far gone just yet, as it is only the 2nd week in Jan. I still have time.

Emmitt is growing like a weed, and Ellis seems to amaze us everyday with something he said. On the outside, they look just alike, however, they are completey different in actions. Ellis needs attention all the time, while Emmitt is so laid back and calm.

We made it through Thanksgiving & Christmas. We had a wonderful time. I have huge plans for this year. Spend more time with the boys, get a grip on debt, etc. The normal stuff.

We got our first snow on the 7th. I took the boys out and they had a blast.
Here's to 2010, and my family!


trooppetrie said...
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trooppetrie said...

ok, i deleted my last comment, i was wondering what parchment paper meant and then i realized it was referring to your last name. i have a addiction to parchment paper